Thursday, October 2, 2008

SORRY THIS IS LATE - Answers to the remaining cloze passages ( had prob with IMAC interface and the windows document)

work sheet 17
1) turn, shift, direct
2) focus dwell, concentrate
3) starts, begins
4) open 5) control, 6) lasts, 7) arms 8) doctors, specialists 9) triggers, causes 10) suffers 11) prior, apparent, advance, given 12) end 13 against 14 worsened, deteriorate 15 all also 16 face, encounter, handle, tackle, overcome, suffer, experience 17 attack/s 18 sleepless 19 now 20 used, accustomed 

worksheet 18
1) planted, grown 2 sides shoulders 3 bushes, trees, flowers, 4 areas, spaces 5 as 6 found 7 and 8 anywhere 9 break 10 same 11 shade, shelter, 12 have 13 great 14 with, under 15 these 16 plants 17 easier 18 require, need 19 more less not very 20 green

worksheet 19
1) live , work, 2 place, part, spot
3 they 4 round 5 teeth 6 off 7 lengths pieces 8 across down into 9 are 10 place 11 also 12 it 13 of, measuring 14 above 15 two 16 is 17 escape 18 food 19 nursery nest 20 feed

worksheet 20
1)itch 2 its 3 breath 4 back 5 loud, piercing, sharp, shrill 6 hunt prowl 7 myself 8 increasing , unbated, raising, comforting 9 pleasant, pleasing, positive 10 late 11 poked , prodded 12 careful, cautious 13 sign 14 observed, studied 15 recognised, knew 16 sky trees 17  biggest largest 18 wait 19 jungle trees forest 20 from

worksheet 21
1 making devising 2 up over 3 where 4 whoever 5 winning 6 way 7 judge 8 believe, imagine 9 nodded 10 third 11 responses, reactions, reaction response 12 turn 13 cracked, ripened, fell, swelled, dried 14 got ordered sent forced commanded told set instructed 15 escaped fled, disappeared vanished 16 for 17 denied 18 pronounced declared 19 but 20 ashamed embarrassed miserable humiliated

worksheet 22
1 wages salary pay earning income 2 two 3 in 4 to 5 afford 6 needed wanted 7 place 8 either each 9 saved 10 idea 11 down across 12 richer 13 way 14 until 15 wrap 16 speechless, dumbfounded silent quiet shocked 17 cut sell 18 fell collapsed sank plopped 19 eyes 20 buy purchase

worksheet 23
1 about of 2 have 3 how 4 he 5 without 6 improve better 7 make 8 life home 9 himself 10 give allow 11 devote give dedicate 12 reveal tell 13 graduated 14 labour 15 tempted 16 conscience 17 keep fulfil honour 18 where 19 needed 20 medical health

worksheet 24 
1 alive 2 crashed collided 3 survivors victims 4 clear compose collect gather 5 calm 6 moved crawled 7 broke 8 burst 9 had 10 mind head 11 seated 12 escaped climbed crawled 13 smashed broken shattered 14 stopped 15 help 16 pull 17 survivor passenger victim 18 especially 19 thicker 20 breathe

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Prelims Results & Answers to your Sept Hol HW

6I Prelims 2008

Averages for
1) Situational Writing : 13.2/15
2) Compo: 30.4/40
3) Listening Compre: 19/20
4) Oral: 25.9/30
5) Booklet B: 45.6/65
6) Paper 2: 71.4/95
7) Overall Prelims English %(all components):80.5%

Top 3 scorers (EL)in 6I:
1st : Miriam Yeo 87.5%
2nd: Angeline Yip 85.3%
3rd: Alicia Lim: 85.8%

6J Prelims 2008

Averages for
1) Situational Writing : 13.2/15
2) Compo: 32.6/40
3) Listening Compre: 19/20
4) Oral: 26.7/30
5) Booklet B: 60.3/65
6) Paper 2: 73.7/95
7) Overall Prelims English %(all components):82.6%

Top 3 scorers (EL)in 6J:
1st : Sarah Kow 89%
2nd: Joe Chua 88.5%
3rd: Lee Yi Han 86.7%

Ok... now here are the answers to your HW (trusting you have already completed) -6J please scroll further down
6I HW:
Revision paper 3 -

1) 2
2) 3
3) 4
4) 3
5) 3
6) 2
7) 1 or 2
8) 3
9) 4
10) 3
11) 2
12) 4
13) 1
14) 3
15) 4
16) 2
17) 4
18) 4
19) 1
20) 4
21) 4
22) 1
23) 2
24) 3
25) 1
26) 2
27) 3
28) 4
29) 4
30) 1
31) Q
32) M
33) N
34) G
35) A
36) D
37) J
38) E
39) L
40) P
41) tailing
42) compact
43) warily
44) through
45) directly
46) decided
47) culprits
48) tough-looking
49) placed
50) pound/pounding
51) way
52) of
53) nursing
54) polytechnic
55) relief
56) heading/going/travelling/ flying
57) disaster
58) alleviate/reduce/lessen
59) dreams
60) impossible/unachievable
61) improves
62) enrolled/enrolling
63) lot/cohort/group
64) soar/increase/rise
65) if
For the rest of the section, bring it back to school on Monday and I'll go through the rest with you

Cross word 25 - ACROSS 1. knowledge 5. bung 6. nineteen 8.drawer 9.strew 10.fact 11.stare 14.dairy 15.daring 17. handy 18. talented DOWN 1.kingdom 2.wreath 3. elementary 4. gin 5. balance 7. trial 12. paid 13.tint 16 God

Crossword 26 - ACROSS 4. except 6. strength 7.loud 8. lilac 10. regret 12 nut 13. amusement 17. oven 18. frozen 19 . emvelope DOWN 1.breath 2. angler 3. struggle 5. explain 6. seldom 8.let 9. continue 11.amaze 14. mean 15. toll 16 . ore

Crossword 27 - I'll go through this important Vocab worksheet with you next week

Crossword 28 - ACROSS 1. dictionary 4. its 6. court 8. treadle 9. elevate 11.ham 13. kennel 16. expel 18 Coarse DOWN 1.decorate 2.crutch 3. active 5. speedily 7. trembles 10.empty 13. snarl 15. ease 17. pram 20. am

Crossword 29 & 30- I''l go through this with you in class

OK, now 6J :

Suggested answers for cloze 7-10:


1) usually, generally, normally
2) world, planet, earth
3) passengers, crew, sailors
4) impossible, difficult, hard
5) hunting, feeding, eating
6) surface
7) air, oxygen
8) much
9) teach, train, instruct
10) love, enjoy, like
12) years
13) decreasing, dropping, falling, declining
14) reason, cause
15)caught, trapped, entangled, captured
17)very, too
18)decide, choose, prefer, tend
19)faster, sooner
20)population, numbers

1) make / commit
2) parade, performance, display
10)produced / formed / shown
11)display, performance, item
12) determined
16)hidden / away / far
18)thumping, beating, pounding
19)efforts /effort, work, time
20)troupe, group

4)goals, standards, expectations
9)advised, suggested
11)took, changed, switched, turned
12)interest, enthusiasm

6)stunt, feat, act
8)balance, footing
11)feed, live, survive
12) appetite

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Compo - Due 13 August

Choose one compo from this list. Do not choose the one you have already attempted before:

1) The bell for recess rang and your teacher sent everyone off for his/her break. You realized that you had left your wallet in class and turned back to get it. Upon entering the classroom, you saw two students from another class there.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- why the students were in the classroom
- what the students were doing
- what you did
- what happened in the end

2) You were alone at home. The electricity had gone out in your entire estate and you were holding a candle in order to see. Suddenly, you heard a strange noise coming from your neighbour’s house. Curious, you went to have a look.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- what you saw and how you felt
- what you did
- what happened in the end

3) One day, you arrived early in school. You found your classmate sobbing uncontrollably in the classroom.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- what was troubling your classmate
- how you tried to help him
- what happened in the end

4) It was recess. You and your best friend were walking to the toilet to wash your hands when you detected a strong smell coming from the car park.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- what caused the strong smell
- what you and your friend did
- what happened in the end

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dictation passage and your June Holiday homework

8 (a lovely rounded number) things to complete in June:
1) Lead assignments that has the due date of 20th June
2) study Antonyms RPE 285-286 - testing of 20 (random) words in Term 3 week 1
3) study Synonyms RPE 290-293 - testing of 20 (random) words in Term 3 week 2
4) study Homonyms RPE 298-299 - testing 20 (random) words in Term 3 week 3
5) complete RPE 321-325
6) complete RPE 326-333
7) complete RPE 334-338
8) study your dictation passages for Term 3 below - which will be tested once the 2nd spelling list has expired.

P6 Term 3 Dictation Passages

reap as you sow
Interruption in his possessed life was dealt with stern reprimanding and sometimes on petty issues he would behead his servants. Provoked by his evil advisor Twishar Dhare, he went on with his self-indulged life, unaware of the plot his very devoted advisor was planning. A plot to dethrone the king, rule the kingdom with his evergreen wicked ways only to harness wealth and the reputation of a King.
think out of the box
But Ralph turned a blind ear to the incessant ugly downpour of words. He trusted his instincts and kept his head up high. One day as he walked through the village, his shoes got entangled in the weed that grew surreptitiously on the ground. Yanking it out from them, Ralph landed on his bottom with a thud, clutching his shoes to his chest he laid there for a few minutes and then suddenly, it dawned on him what he wanted to do in life.
the 3 dolls
Grandma brought out 3 dolls and gave it to Pauline. She asked her to pass a thread through the ears of the dolls. Pauline took action right away. To her surprise the thread passed through and through the ears of the first doll. This is the type of person who listens from one ear and lets it pass from the other. Now try the next one said grandma. The thread went through the ear and curled outside the mouth. This is the type of person that speaks whatever he heard. Priya was anxious to know what happened to the last doll. Curiosity bounced back in her face because the thread just did not come out from the doll. This is the type of person that only listens and seldom speaks.
looks can be deceiving
Only because he looked a tad unlike other humans. He had hair all over his body and his face, an angular nose, his extra two teeth that hung over the others looked felony when he smiled. His looks were so viscous that everyone preferred to stay away from him. And so Paul grew up alone, isolated only with his grandmother for company. When he was out of school he fetched some work for himself as he did not want to go through all the trials of being poked at in college. His peers who gave him nightmares with incessant ragging went on to college like the other boys in his class.
the real queen
Far away from the kingly palace lived a man with only ends to his poverty and no means to rectify it. Raymond was wrecked with poverty as he had lost all his land to the landlord. His age enabled him little towards manual labour and so begging was the only alternative to salvage his wife and children. Every morning he went door to door for some work, food or money. The kindness of people always got him enough to take home. But Raymond was a little self-centred. His world began with him first, followed by his family and the rest.
two headed bird
Sal was deeply disturbed by Mal’s action. He wanted to taste that fruit so much. From that day on he kept a grudge on Mal and waited patiently to get back at him. One day Sal found a strange looking fruit. He pecked on it and found it sour and bitter at taste. Yet he went on pecking at it with disguised fulfilment on his face. “What are you relishing and eating,” asked Mal, but Sal turned away, pecking on the fruit. But soon their stomachs began to churn, acute pains began to hit their abdomen and they died instantly.
day dreaming
The thatched roof and the cow caked walls were not very welcoming, but Shyam battled the stench for he had come with a purpose. He realised what a simple life the Das’s had. That Mr. Das was far behind his peers who had all progressed. Mr Das had spun into the laughing stock of the village with his dreaming feature characteristic and it had to stop. Occupied in his thoughts, Mr. Shyam had barely spoken that Mr. and Mrs. Das began telling him about their dreams of getting rich.
break off that habit
Sam prayed fervently to God every morning on his usual morning walk. Looking at his tensed face, the temple sage asked him what worried him so inherently, that it even pulled his muscles even while praying. Tight lipped Sam walked away, thinking his burdens were his own and could not be shared with anyone. Everyday Sam prayed and dodged the sage, so as not to answer him. But one day when Vincent had to be carried home in a sloshed state by complete strangers, Sam sobbed at the sage’s feet. What have I done asked Sam to deserve a son like Vincent?
no shortcuts to study
Night and day, he would just play inside and outside; the world was a playground for him along with his favourite buddy Jeremy. He would always welcome Jeremy to his home and the two would play together. Raymond’s mother liked Jeremy and treated him as her own son, but Jeremy’s mother did not like Raymond as her son was a studious boy who loved to study. She feared he would act like Raymond and reflect a lethargic attitude towards studying.

Monday, March 3, 2008

This is a fun way to create your own newspaper headlines. Your This is a fun way to create your own newspaper headlines. Your task is: 1) to report on 5 lifeforms that is extinct or endangered 2) indicate the lifeforms' behaviours 3) how & where the lifeforms lived 4) what the lifeforms ate 5) why they became extinct or are endangered

This is the link to your newspaper generation

Add anything interesting to this article to engage the reader.

Good Luck and may you find joy in the knowledge you find in the world!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Posting 3

Hi to my two favourite classes! You have to express your adoration for English by completing posting 3 by 29th Feb.

Watch these videos:

Moonwalk bird
Lyre bird

Before you write, please construct a graphic organiser, e.g. mindmap, concept map, listing etc to show that you have planned your writing.

After that, based on your graphic organiser, start to process your writting.

Just call this 3rd blog Posting 3. And it will be information that you search from

I know that's a lot of websites - please do not be distracted by reading everything. Concentrate!
Highlight some of the bizarre facts of animals (Structural and behaviour).

These are the criteria for posting 3:

1) List at least 5 info of animals (which will not include the lyre bird and the moonwalk bird). More is welcomed for those who have pen diarrhoea.
2) Give a sub topic title to each of the paragraph you have written (Yes! You guessed it! 1 para for 1 animal behaviour)
3) DO NOT PLAGIARISE!! Which means you are not to copy and paste from the net. USE YOUR OWN WORDS to construct your writting

After the submission deadline, one of your good friends will grade you according to a rubric that I will prepare for them.

May you increase in knowledge and write fearlessly!!!
shueh chien's , joe's and junning's comic site ...coming soon

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Carnivorous Plants Task & Links

Killer tomatoes

(just music) Hunt for carnivorous plant

(just music )Encounters: carnivorous plants

(just music) Carnivorous Plants vs Herbivorous Insects

With narration: Wild View: carnivorous plants by Wes major

Attenborough pitcher plant: David looks at another meat eating plant - the pitcher plant and how it catches insects

How to feed your carni plant by Wes major

Intro carnivorous plants by wes major

Fly trap
TASK: You are all insects!! And you are a member of the Insect Patrol. Draw up a Poster (decorate, beautify it) to warn other insects from the insect world about the terrifying Carnivorous plants. List at least 3 kinds of carnivorous plants in your poster. Draw cartoons of the plants & insects, borders and add colour to your poster.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Posting 2

Hi I'm here to bug you about your work again ; > Your second posting should be up and completed by 9 Feb. It should be titled as "Posting 2". Full English sentences please! And do ensure that you write about yourself - your own Aubiography. The scaffold (which was planning) was already done - remember the timeline you did? Use the Timeline as you type. Put nice digital pictures of yourself or anything picture that is related to what you mentioned in your autobiography. By all means, make it interesting.

By the way, please read good compositions written by your nice little friends:
and Elaine how about yours?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Posting 1

Hi Kids! Here is your 'friendly' teacher. Things to clear up first, read carefully:
1) Write in FULL ENGLISH SENTENCES - I do not welcome internet lingo.
2) clear up all other postings that I DO NOT REQUIRE - I only need school based postings, so other writings on how your friends 'roxs' should be removed
3) And these blogs are either non-existent or looked like another person's blog, please do something about it : Timothy, Amanda, Asyraf, Donovan, Shueh Chien, Shaun
4) Your 1st posting, which will be called 'posting 1' will be a 150 word reflection on the video on 'tribute to Elizabeth Choy, War Heroine' Some of you have done a good write-up while others have yet to complete the reflections. Here are the links:

part 1

part 2

Your deadline? Monday 4 Feb 08.
Have great fun studying! ;-> By the way, my eyes are getting old, so please increase your font size..... :-