Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Compo - Due 13 August

Choose one compo from this list. Do not choose the one you have already attempted before:

1) The bell for recess rang and your teacher sent everyone off for his/her break. You realized that you had left your wallet in class and turned back to get it. Upon entering the classroom, you saw two students from another class there.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- why the students were in the classroom
- what the students were doing
- what you did
- what happened in the end

2) You were alone at home. The electricity had gone out in your entire estate and you were holding a candle in order to see. Suddenly, you heard a strange noise coming from your neighbour’s house. Curious, you went to have a look.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- what you saw and how you felt
- what you did
- what happened in the end

3) One day, you arrived early in school. You found your classmate sobbing uncontrollably in the classroom.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- what was troubling your classmate
- how you tried to help him
- what happened in the end

4) It was recess. You and your best friend were walking to the toilet to wash your hands when you detected a strong smell coming from the car park.

Based on the above situation, write a composition of at least 150 words. In your composition, make use of the points below:

- what caused the strong smell
- what you and your friend did
- what happened in the end