Monday, March 3, 2008

This is a fun way to create your own newspaper headlines. Your This is a fun way to create your own newspaper headlines. Your task is: 1) to report on 5 lifeforms that is extinct or endangered 2) indicate the lifeforms' behaviours 3) how & where the lifeforms lived 4) what the lifeforms ate 5) why they became extinct or are endangered

This is the link to your newspaper generation

Add anything interesting to this article to engage the reader.

Good Luck and may you find joy in the knowledge you find in the world!!


Cui Tingwei said...
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n3RdG0d said...

bear in mind i first introduced fodey(i think)

Kachang Puteh said...

Joe used it first

Zhang Jin Lin said...

no i think its Junning who used it first for the ninja text generator.

n3RdG0d said...

Haha! Ummmm...... I knew fodey throught someguy in the DAL fourms(Darkness and Light baka!)He used it and wrote I'm too pro for you. I ended up creating one that says My skills are better than yours.

~~Brendan Wong~~ said...

Wow, so good ur whole class has a blog... My class 6E only has a few blogs lol... Check out my blog? Me Blog :